Patents and certification
Innovative strength and quality in black and white

Continuous developments and product improvements are what drive us. The innovative strength of at least five innovations per year creates added value for our customers and gives us the competitive advantage to be able to continue to produce economically in Germany.
The variety of innovations have been registered for patents in the appropriate target markets – at the moment there are than 700 patents from HAIMER registered in various markets throughout the world.
Quality signed and sealed:
HAIMER has long been ISO 9001 certified. But that is not good enough for us! Therefore, we set our internal goals even higher and created our own standards: The HAIMER norm with absolute micron exact tolerances. For us, in our production facility with double 100% quality control on our newest 3-D coordinate measuring machines, we can see results in black and white. Here, our motto is exceptionally valid: Quality Wins.
Here you can see our certification:

HAIMER DIN ISO 50001:2018