Sport Sponsoring
There are over 87,000 sport clubs in the Federal Republic of Germany. This means that there is more than one organisation for every 1,000 inhabitants. And these clubs offer much more than just sporting activities: they are a fabric that connects our society, creating a sense of community and cohesion. They are meeting places and spaces of enjoyment. They are important.
For this very reason, HAIMER supports large and small clubs. Local heroes and national stars. The promotion of togetherness and the enthusiasm for sport are two guiding stars that define our commitment. We want to strengthen our region, preserve recreational opportunities across generations and promote talent.

Augsburger Panther (DEL)
Since the beginning of the 2019/2020 season, HAIMER has been a premium partner of the Augsburg Panthers in the German Ice Hockey League (DEL).With this, we would like to help Germany's oldest ice skating club to continue to stand up to great teams at the highest level.The Augsburg Panthers are a sporting flagship for the region and stand for passion, community, fairness, future and home.
We live all these values in our company as well.HAIMER and the Panthers have, besides the strong connection to the region, the down-to-earthness, tradition and fascination in common. This is where "pure emotion" meets "passion for precision."

Sport is more than just the big stage. Let's be honest: Often, sport is also a passionate tackle against the neighbor, just before a refreshing drink. Or the last full sprint before spending the evening together with your family. And all these small and wild moments belong firmly to it. In order to preserve them, Haimer GmbH supports local clubs right on our doorstep.
Art and culture, as well as volunteering in general, also deserve the utmost respect - and support! For this reason, HAIMER supports various projects that are dedicated to social togetherness and which live this ideal with enthusiasm and joy.