
With over 200 machine tools, we process large quantities of steel and aluminium every day and therefore consume a lot of energy. More energy than we could ever generate directly on site with renewable energies, such as our large solar plants on the factory roofs.
That's why we rely on strong partners who guarantee us a 100 percent renewable electricity feed-in to the power grid. In other words, electricity from renewable sources such as water, air and sun. At the same time, we rely on our certified energy management to push and optimise the use of sustainable energies in the company.
The role of private households in the much-needed energy transition is often emphasised in the media. But industry also has to play its part if this generational challenge is to be sustainable in the future. That is why environmental and climate protection is an integral part of our corporate philosophy at HAIMER and is lived and demanded at all levels and by all employees.
We say: A responsible approach to the environment and our natural resources, the protection of the climate and the utmost reduction of waste and emissions are a duty of all of us today in order to leave a liveable and intact environment for future generations. This is why HAIMER is investing one million euros in green infrastructure in 2023.

HAIMER produces exclusively at its two manufacturing sites in Germany. We are therefore a stakeholder in the German energy industry and experience the still sluggish structural change within the scope of the energy turnaround in the Federal Republic at first hand. And at the end of the day, we too can only consume what is fed into the power grid - regardless of the origin of energies.
However, in order to make a small contribution to having more electricity from renewable energies in the German electricity mix, we only conclude contracts with providers who guarantee 100 percent generation from the sun, water or wind.
Solar energy on factory roofs

At HAIMER, we can cover a small part of our energy demand ourselves thanks to large-scale solar plants on the roofs of our production halls. At the production site in Igenhausen ( incl. Motzenhofen), there are already more than 1000 square metres of solar power systems in place. And the numbers are rising. What are the benefits?
For example: on the roof of one of the production halls in Motzenhofen (district of Aichach-Friedberg), 2,200 solar modules generate 700,000 kWh of electricity annually. This is roughly equivalent to the annual electricity needs of 200 households with three people. Every year, 250,000 tons of CO2 (approx. 23,800 trees planted within one year) are saved. 92 percent of the energy generated flows directly into the energy needs of the machinery on the site - with over 100 CNC machines!
Surpluses, for example on Sundays and public holidays, are also fed into the grid and are available to all consumers as green electricity.
Certified energy management
To increase energy efficiency through a continuous improvement process, we have committed to introducing an energy management system in accordance with the international standard DIN EN ISO 50001. To achieve our strategic and operational energy goals, we rely on the implementation of an intelligent energy concept, which currently includes the following measures:
- Use of waste heat from machines and cooling units, as well as effective cooling through ambient cooling
- modern, energy-efficient machinery
- energy-saving EDP infrastructure with "Green IT" label
- Optimization of internal transport and introduction of shuttle packaging to conserve resources
- Gradual conversion of lighting to LED technology (70,000 kwh savings per year)
In order to further increase our energy efficiency and to be able to manufacture our products in an even more resource-saving manner, we are working on the continuous improvement of our energy-saving concept. Because the best energy is the one not needed!
See below our certificate with the energy management certification according to ISO 50001:

HAIMER DIN ISO 50001:2018

Green electricity certificate 2024
Green electricity certificate 2024 by EON Germany